Thank you for the opportunity to introduce Proponent Business Services, Inc. and to highlight some of the benefits of retaining a management specialist for your organizational initiatives, whether representation on projects, relocations, implementation of programs or processes or simply for general business management. In the literature following this introduction, you will see answers to some commonly asked questions, as well as the pros and cons to hiring a consultant versus retaining full time staff. Once you have read this information, please consider how Proponent Business Services, Inc. may be able to help make your business more successful.
What’s in a Name?
The idea for the name Proponent Business Services came from the desire to provide unparalleled representation to our clients. Much about how we perceive our role in a business relationship can be measured by the very definition of the word “PROPONENT”:
Definition: person who advocates, supports cause
Synonyms: advocate, backer, champion, defender, enthusiast, exponent, expounder, partisan, patron
We chose “BUSINESS SERVICES” to be sure that our clients know that our efforts to provide quality management alternatives are boundless.
Proponent’s Mission:
To apply clear, direct and concise management practices in all we do, resulting in the unparalleled successes of our clients. To act with diligence, honesty and integrity in an effort to gain and maintain the trust and respect of our business partners.
Our goal is to create open and honest lines of communication with our clients and partners, not just regarding projects and initiatives that we are involved in, but to share our experiences with our partners in hopes that our knowledge will create a better understanding of the project process and it's intricacies.